Hassle-free small business health insurance
At Premier One, we know that finding affordable health insurance for your employees can be challenging. That is why we have a team of licensed professionals who can help guide you through the process and find the best small business health insurance options for you.
Premier One was established to help businesses just like yours retain and recruit employees by offering exceptional health benefits that fit your budget. Supplemental health insurance, as well as dental and vision insurance, are also available to employees.
Businesses that are a good fit for Premier One include:
- Any business with W-2 and/or 1099 employees
- The average employee wage is $8-$20 per hour however anyone can participate
- Businesses with 50 or fewer full-time employees
- However, businesses with more than 50 employees can still participate
• Employees choose own plan from marketplace
• Potential subsidy premium tax credits and cost sharing
• No pre-existing conditions
• Employer sets contribution amounts
• One monthly invoice
• Employee payroll deduction same as group plans
• PMG pays marketplace premiums for employees
• Modest administration fees
• No Cobra
• No Participation requirements

How can you get first dollar coverage with a high deductible health plan
• Accident
• Hospital Indemnity
• Critical Illness
• Cancer
Example: $3500 individual deductible & $1500 accident benefit
Broken Arm $1200 emergency room claim goes toward medical deductible. Personal out of pocket $1200.
$1200 Reimbursement from accident plan used to pay hospital bill.
$3500 ded – $1200 accident plan = $2300 total deductible.
Why employers like Premier One
- No minimum contributions or rate hikes: With Premier One, you can take control of your budget without fear of unexpected rate increases. You determine your contribution strategy.
- No minimum participation: Only have 2 employees or want to limit health benefits to managers? There is no minimum participation, and you set eligibility requirements for small business health insurance through Premier One
- Reduced employee turnover: Employers who offer health benefits through Premier One often see a reduction in employee turnover
- No administrative hassle: As a TPA, we take over managing your employee health plan. We provide information and resources to ensure your employees make informed decisions regarding their health coverage, and are on-call to help with any questions or concerns they have throughout the year
Why employees like Premier One
- Personalized health care: Employees can take control of their health care and choose a plan that best fits their individual and family needs. Supplemental health insurance, as well as dental and vision insurance, are also available
- Tax Benefits: Plans may qualify for premium subsidy tax credit and cost-sharing based on the employee’s household income
- Payroll Deduction: Monthly premiums are paid to the insurance provider through payroll deduction with Premier One
- No pre-Existing Conditions: Under the Affordable Care Act, health insurance companies can’t refuse to cover an individual because of a pre-existing condition